Women struggle with hefty credit card debt
Many women in Mississippi are struggling with costly credit card debt, even more than men in the state. Of course, people in general have accumulated significant debt associated with revolving consumer credit. According to one study, total credit card debt has hit its second-highest point following the financial crisis of 2008. In one quarter in 2018 alone, people accumulated another $30 billion in consumer debt. Still, women have shown more anxiety about their credit card balances than men. One study said that over one-fourth of women participants were not confident that they could pay off their cards compared to 14% of men.
One factor is the generally lower incomes that women have. Women have 80% of the median annual income of men, which means that women may have greater struggles in getting out of credit card debt. While the median salary for a woman is $41,554, the median for a man is $51,640. In addition, 20% of men said that they had only paid their credit card balances in full once or never in the last six months. Over 30% of women said the same, meaning that they are accumulating larger amounts of interest charges as a result.
Other experts drew attention to the number of single mothers providing for their children. Single moms may be more likely to turn to credit cards to cover expenses for their children and may also struggle to make up the money to pay off their bills. They may also be less able to take on additional work to make more money due to the cost of childcare.
People of all backgrounds are struggling with creditor calls, costly fees and other aspects of insurmountable credit card debt. They may wish to consult with an attorney about their options for debt relief, including credit counseling, debt consolidation or personal bankruptcy.