If your source of income comes to a sudden halt, you might find yourself unable to pay your debts. Under such circumstances, you have to file for bankruptcy to keep bill collectors at bay, restructure your loan installments, and eliminate your debt in some cases. The question is whether you should consider filing for bankruptcy on your own or if you should seek guidance from an attorney.

The Advantages

  1. Elimination of Attorney Fees: The decision to file for bankruptcy without the help of a bankruptcy attorney offers you the benefit of saving money.
  2. Unmatched Control Over the Filing Process: The decision to file for bankruptcy on your own means that you are in charge. It involves communicating directly with the court, making important decisions, and putting together all the paperwork.
  3. You Will Learn All That It Takes to File for Bankruptcy: Filing for bankruptcy on your own can be a learning experience. You will understand the legal system and more about financial management.

Cons of Filing for Bankruptcy Without an Attorney

  1. Inability to Navigate the Complexities of the Legal Procedure: Filing for bankruptcy in the United States is not a straightforward issue, as it entails navigating complex legal procedures. There are a set of requirements that determine if the court will declare you bankrupt or not. There is usually the disadvantage of getting a negative outcome if you fail to adhere to certain rules and requirements.
  2. There is the Possibility of Making Detrimental Errors: Like any other legal procedure, there are specific ways to file for bankruptcy that a layman may not be aware of. A lack of knowledge on these specifics can result in erroneous filing that could get your case dismissed.
  3. Lack of Legal Expertise: Seeking the services of an attorney when filing for bankruptcy comes with additional benefits, such as expert legal advice. If you do it alone, you are missing out on the benefits that come with experience and knowledge in negotiating for the best outcomes.

Make the Best Choice for Your Future

You can ultimately determine your financial future by correctly filing for bankruptcy. Filing your bankruptcy without an attorney can save you the cost of attorney fees, but there are other major risks you don’t want to take as they outweigh those savings. At O’Brien Law Firm, LLC, we have seen many cases in Southaven, MS, where an experienced attorney has made a substantial difference in achieving a favorable outcome. Contact us today for professional guidance to navigate this challenging process successfully.

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