The role of student loan debt in bankruptcy filings
People in Mississippi who are struggling with debt may be among the nearly one-third of people who filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy with student loan debt. This was one finding in a study by LendEDU. The same study also found that among that group, on average, almost half of their total debt constitutes student loans. These figures do not include people who filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which involves creating a payment plan.
The cost of going to college, along with student loan debt, has skyrocketed in the past several years. While it would take baby boomers just over 300 hours at minimum wage to pay off a four-year college education, millennials would need to work more than 4,400 hours. Since student loans generally cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy, even after filing, people may be facing a significant debt burden. However, discharging credit card and other debt may allow them to free up income to pay off their loans.
All the same, the student loan debt situation is considered to be a growing crisis. Many millennials are unable to purchase homes or spend in any other significant way because of this. The national total has reached a record high of $1.5 trillion, and in 2018, the average debt for each person graduating with loans was $29,800.
People who are struggling with debt might want to talk to an attorney and discuss whether filing for bankruptcy is the best option. The two primary types for consumers are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, and each has its own eligibility and other requirements that an attorney can outline.