Negotiation with lenders for modifications to mortgage loans is one alternative to home foreclosure and consumer bankruptcy that may be appropriate for your specific financial situation.
To adjust your mortgage interest rate and arrive at new terms for your loan, with help from an experienced loan modification attorney, you should contact lawyer Kevin F. O’Brien of O’Brien Law Firm, LLC. Located in Southaven, he is here to help.
Have you lost your job and fallen far behind with your mortgage payments? Are you being harassed by your lender and threatened with foreclosure? A modification to your home loan may be possible, leaving you with a longer term for repayment at comfortable
interest rates.
Kevin F. O’Brien has skillfully represented consumer bankruptcy and loan modification clients in northwest Mississippi and southwest Tennessee since 1997. He is particularly knowledgeable in assisting clients with determining the
right type of debt relief that fits their unique circumstances, including revisions to arrangements for mortgage loan obligations.
To discuss the possibility of a loan modification with Kevin F. O’Brien, contact O’Brien Law Firm, LLC, for a free and confidential initial consultation. Simply call us toll free at 866-934-8148 or send an email
message. Our law office is open M-F 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m and Saturday by appt. only.
Kevin F. O’Brien is licensed to practice in Tennessee as well as Mississippi, in order to assist clients in the Greater Memphis area.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.