Is accumulating tax debt from federal income taxes or state payroll taxes making life difficult for you, legally, personally and financially?
You could benefit from the sound counsel that Southaven, Mississippi, bankruptcy and tax debt attorney Kevin F. O’Brien has offered consumer bankruptcy clients since 1997.
As your lawyer, Kevin F. O’Brien of O’Brien Law Firm, LLC, works hard to stop the penalties and interest that can plague a taxpayer and business owner for years. Our founder can also help you to handle Internal Revenue Service (IRS) collection efforts and restructure payments in a way that you can handle comfortably, and that the government will approve.
Kevin F. O’Brien has years of experience and a reputation for positive results, assisting a wide variety of clients who need true debt relief solutions. His special focus includes practice areas of Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, alternatives to bankruptcy and skilled assistance with specific types of debt, including tax debt.
One of the myths about consumer bankruptcy is that no tax debt can be discharged, the fact is some tax debt could be eliminated in a certain kind of bankruptcy, customized to fit your exact situation. Kevin F. O’Brien listens to your goals, carefully reviews your financial picture and customizes his quality legal services to address your unique needs.
You can discuss tax debt or any debt relief objective with Kevin F. O’Brien in an initial consultation. Contact O’Brien Law Firm, LLC, today by calling toll free at 866-934-8148 or by sending an email.
Kevin F. O’Brien is licensed to practice in Tennessee as well as Mississippi, in order to assist clients in the Greater Memphis area.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.