In trying financial times, representing yourself against creditors for consumer debt and the government for tax debt is not a good idea. A skilled bankruptcy attorney can explain the many reasons why legal advocacy, in and out of court, is no do-it-yourself project.
The skilled bankruptcy attorney with debt relief solutions that can benefit you and your Mississippi family is Kevin F. O’Brien of O’Brien Law Firm, LLC, in Southaven.
As your lawyer, Kevin F. O’Brien participates at reaffirmation hearings, shows you how to work with trustees during a Chapter 7 bankruptcy — especially U.S. trustees looking for abuses of the law — and generally guides you through the legal process toward the “fresh start” that you and your family deserve.
More often than not, you would not want to try to fix your car or truck, your personal computer or a broken household appliance by yourself. You would want to consult with a person who specializes in repair, and whose training uniquely qualifies him or her to assist in returning this part of your life to normal. Personal finances are no exception. Kevin F. O’Brien founded his law office specifically to help people just like you — individuals and families who are deeply in debt through no fault of their own.
At O’Brien Law Firm, LLC, we supply you with the facts, options and alternatives you should be aware of, that can lead to sound decisions about the pros and cons of Chapter 7 liquidation, Chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy, the “means test,” the “automatic stay” and every method at your disposal, as you seek practical, lasting debt relief solutions.
Do you have questions about what goes on at a reaffirmation hearing or how a mortgage loan modification is negotiated? These can only be answered by the experienced bankruptcy attorney you need to represent you.
Contact O’Brien Law Firm, LLC. We offer an initial consultations M-F 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m and Saturday by appt. only. Call toll free — 866-934-8148.
Kevin F. O’Brien is licensed to practice in Tennessee as well as Mississippi, in order to assist clients in the Greater Memphis area.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.