If a dependence on “payday” cash, check and advance loans have led to serious financial difficulty for you and your Mississippi family, causing you to consider filing for bankruptcy for the first time, experienced attorney Kevin F. O’Brien and O’Brien Law Firm, LLC, in Southaven, can help.
As your lawyer, Kevin F. O’Brien arms you with the facts you need for sound decisions when advance or payday loans translate to an uncertain financial picture. During your an initial consultation, Mr. O’Brien explains how you can receive a discharge for this type of debt — and how a bankruptcy can stop the District Attorney’s Bad Check Unit from pursuing the debt.
The quick fix of a payday loan is only a short-term solution, and can get away from the recipient very quickly, becoming a rapidly accumulating mountain of debt with massive interest rates attached.
The borrower of the payday loan promises to pay the money back on the following pay day. No collateral or credit check is required. A borrower would write a post-dated check for an amount plus finance fee that could amount to hundreds of percentage points.
Fortunately, payday loans can be discharged in personal bankruptcy, with some limitations. If you have fallen deep in debt because of these loans, bankruptcy can provide true debt relief while keeping your assets in place. Contact O’Brien Law Firm, LLC, to find out more — and to arrange your free consultation.
Call toll free at 866-934-8148 or send an email message. Kevin F. O’Brien is licensed to practice in Tennessee as well as Mississippi, in order to assist clients in the Greater Memphis area.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code